Hi Subscribers!
In my last newsletter I said that I would be pausing this newsletter so that I could focus on my executive coaching studies. In the intervening time I’ve done just that and am now coming to the end of my studies. This gave me the opportunity to think about my plans for this newsletter and also the How to IT Strategy podcast and course. My plans are as follows:
I’m going to be writing more content over at
richardsage.com/ initially this will cover a wider remit that just IT Strategy, it will cover articles on tech, strategy, leadership, tech leadership, and a small amount of content on personal projects. I’d love it if you would consider subscribing
from now on i won’t be continuing the How to IT Strategy newsletter on Substack
However, I do intend to start back up creating content about IT strategies on richardsage.com in the next few months.
I do also want to complete the first release of the How to IT Strategy course, but thats likely to be a 2nd half of 2023 thing.
When i do start making IT strategy content again, I’m not sure if i’ll revive the companion Podcast or not.
Basically, if you liked my IT strategy content and want to be kept up to date when I do start creating more content, then please subscribe at richardsage.com its free! has all the old newsletter content on there and it’ll be the place i provide updates on the course.
Thanks so much for being a subscriber to this newsletter, i hope to see you on the other side :)